Introduction to The Registration Process for The SAT Exam



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SAT register

Register an account

Registration official website

To register SAT test, please visit the College Board official website. Students who have already registered directly fill in the Username and Password, and click "Sign in" to log in. Students who have not registered before, click "Creare Account" to register:


Select Student to enter the student account registration process page:


Fill in all kinds of basic information (name, gender, date of birth, etc.) truthfully. Things to note are as follows:


First Name, Last Name, Gender, and Date of birth must be consistent with valid documents. After the information is confirmed, you cannot change it yourself. For subsequent changes, you need to contact the official by phone or email;


The e-mail account must be commonly used and stable to avoid missing important official notifications;
High school graduation is the graduation time of high school;
For ZIP/Postal code, non-U.S. students can just check Outside the U.S.;
Items without * are optional and can be left blank.

SAT register

After submission, confirm the filled in information, go to your email to check the verification code and enter it for confirmation.

Set a password. Pay attention to the password setting requirements: 9-30 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character (no spaces), and different from the username.

SAT register

In addition, you also need to fill in a 4-20-digit verification code, which is used when calling CB to ask questions about the account; and a mobile phone number that is easy to contact, receive the verification code and fill it out.

SAT register

After successful registration, the following picture will appear:

SAT register

Register for exam

After successful registration, enter the registration page:

SAT register
SAT register
SAT register
SAT register

Click the my sat, register for the SAT and get start buttons above to enter the personal information confirmation interface below.

SAT register

After confirming that all the information is correct, click the confirm button to confirm, then check the final agreement, and then click continue to proceed to the next step.
Next is the 10-page auxiliary information section. You can fill it out truthfully. You can also choose "I do not want to respond" for certain questions and just fill it out in order.

SAT register

This step is the core step of exam registration. Select the region where you want to take the exam (U.S. exam room, international exam room), exam type, exam date, etc.

SAT register

You need to scroll the reading notes to the bottom to check the "I have read and I accept..." button.

SAT register

After that, you need to confirm the examination area, examination time, examination location and other information in turn. After the examination time is confirmed, the relevant examination fees will be marked.

SAT register
SAT register

It is worth noting the choice of exam location. The exam locations in some places may be full or unavailable. In this case, you need to choose other regional exam locations that suit you. However, sometimes the examination room does not release all the quotas at once, and you can also swipe several times to keep an eye on the quotas.

SAT register

After selecting a suitable test room, you can click Continue to proceed to the next step. Or if you are not satisfied with the test room, you can click the select a different test date button to reselect the test date and make adjustments. You can also click previous to clear the selected settings and return to select again.

SAT register

After confirming the exam date and location, click Continue.

SAT register

Then it’s time to upload the photos. If you have uploaded photos before, you can modify the photos here. Here we take the newly uploaded photo as an example.

SAT register
SAT register

After clicking get start, there will be a series of photo upload request prompts. Note: The format of the avatar photo can only be jpg, png, or gif. No jewelry or sunglasses can be worn. It can only show the head and shoulders. Do not block too much hair. Pay attention to the lighting of the photo, and do not make the photo too beautiful.

SAT register
SAT register
SAT register

After uploading the photos, check all the boxes on the above page and click submit to upload the photos.

SAT register

At this point, click next after uploading the photo successfully to complete the final registration.

SAT register

Here select the equipment you need to bring into the examination room and whether you need to purchase materials and click the Continue button. The selection of materials will affect subsequent expenses.

SAT register
SAT register
SAT register

Finally, check all the information submitted and click confirm to enter the payment process.
Note that please prepare a Visa or MasterCard with sufficient credit in advance.
Select the payment method, click "Submit", enter the payment information, fill in the card number, and complete the examination registration fee payment:

SAT register

At this point, the exam registration is complete.

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